Thursday, February 10, 2011

Filet Bookmark

This is the second sample of filet that I worked on the side of my table mat. I showed you the first sample here. This one had a different drawn count than the first one, so leaving slightly larger holes. I've also worked a linen stitch into this one in a pattern that I adapted from Pauline Knight's book "The Technique of Filet Lace". There were no instructions of how to work it, I had to work that out for my self, and it certainly got my brain working!

In retrospect, the linen stitch would probably sit better if I had worked it on smaller holes, but that after all is what samples are for. Something to put in my notes for future reference, and in the meantime I have another bookmark to use.


Rachel said...

It's a lovely example of an interesting technique - well done!

Jolene said...

This is an incredible peice fo work and I can't imagine how one would start a to create a delicate peice of fine textile like that. It would be wonderful if you would come and share some of your work in our teaxtiles, fabric and wool gallery on Craft Pimp Forum.

Best wishes, Jolene Wolfe