Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Seasons Of Sneezes" - A Place Getting Piece

My creative stitching group has been running a challenge "Changing of the Seasons". Two of the girls have done all the hard work in orgainizing it, and it was open to all members of the Embroiderer's Guild. Members of the group entered as well as other members of  the Guild, and entries came in from as far as Victoria and Queensland. Last Sunday was the day of presentations, and I was astounded to recieve a third placing.

My piece, "Seasons of Sneezes", is a depiction of my allergies that change as the seasons change. In winter my skin goes dry, no matter how much moisturiser I use. As the season changes to spring, my nose will start to run, my eyes will get itchy and I will be sneezing with hayfever as the flowers of spring emerge.

The balckwork pattern is my own, developed from a pic of a snowflake I found, and stitched with a combination of variegated and blended threads. The reticella section is also my own design, developed from a drawing I did of a flower.

Originally the piece was going on a book cover, but time was short so it is just mounted it on core board with a hanging string at the back. It will be a while before it comes home, but when it does I may still change it to a book cover.

All the pieces are currently on display at the Concord library her in Sydney.


Linda said...

Gorgeous work Jenny, as usual. I understand the allergy thing, have exactly the same problem. Sorry for my silence, life very troublesome at the moment. Cheers.

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

Good Morning, or Afternoon...or DAY! I love your latest posting with the blackwork. I recently began trying out blackwork and am loving it very much.

I do have a question to ask: do you have any idea how to do two sided or reversible cross stitch? My club is looking for simple directions that make sense. We have found two websites so far but they aren't as clear as we would like. If you have any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.


Bath Bomb Lover said...

Beautiful embroidery. Would love to be able to do something similar.