Tuesday, January 22, 2008

January TIF Challenge

I finished my January TIF challenge today. It has been half finished for a while, just waiting for a few extra bits & pieces to be added. I think it fits in with the given colour scheme as well as following my thoughts on people I admire.

I started with a purple background that was interfaced well. I then set to looking for letter "R"s" to digitize. In the process I found a symbol which I think must be the one used in the Greek Alphabet for "R". It looked interesting so I digitized it, then set it as a pattern in my digitizing program. I then used it as a fill stitch for a background on my purple fabric in darker green thread. I then digitized a fancy "R", copy & pasted, resized & changed colours until I got something I liked. This was then sent to the machine to be stitched out. It looked like it was missing something so a play in my button, ribbon, & thread stash completed the picture.
A tribute to everyone with the letter "R" in their name.


Anonymous said...

Excellent! Must find time to learn more about my 'new' machine!

Carmen said...

beautiful!! i like i very very much.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and simple, to the point.

Ruth said...

Who could go wrong with the letter 'R'? My piece would have been much easier if I had a machine like yours (green with envy!)

Doreen G said...

A beautiful piece of work Jenny I love the style of the letter R.

Nikki said...

The background stitchis wonderful. I love the little touches of embellishments.